User blogs

Respecting our Community
Posted by dommyg93

Tonight I wasted my time talking to cocksucker572 on skype. He wanted to see me and hear my voice but wouldn’t pay a cent. He wanted to play games and disrespect me before finally deleting me from skype. This behavior is not atypical of many fags on this site and online in general. Masters like me get loads of messages from fags every day. I get messages saying how hot I am, how much a fag enjoyed my profile or a picture I uploaded, yet most don’t even leave a tip or offer any service, and it’s pretty insulting to me, other masters, and the site. On one level, I think those slaves who do participate in the tip system and enjoy the site should be the ones speaking out against these posers, posers who come to the site acting like cash slaves (or otherwise) and are dishonest about motives. They make all slaves look bad.
The same goes for lots of masters who use shouting and bullying techniques to drain fags and leave them useless to the rest of our community. I’m not talking about those who know a slave and know it responds well to yelling, but rather the ones who feel entitled to the world and try to screw other masters over due to greed. It’s a COMMUNITY. We work together to make it a great place, and it’s terrible to have a few individuals ruin it for the rest of us. I haven’t even been around a month, and I already know the rules and norms of the site. New fags and masters should take some time to familiarize themselves with the community before diving in feet-first.
I will be purging my profile of most fags, mainly those who have never tributed me, never participated in the community discussions, and who haven’t tried to get to know me. This will be most unfortunately. I encourage fags to reapply for my friendship and to request to serve me. Send a tip and be honest about what you want. I think it’s the best way to get to know each other and to promote a good community on the site. Fags who have low rankings but are active and honest are welcome as much as cash fags who tribute often. I enjoy friends as well as slaves on this site, and the lines do get blurred at times. I think that’s ok so long as everyone knows his/its place. That’s all I really want to say now, I hope it makes sense. I’ve heard a lot of masters and fags say similar things, so this post is way overdue. Make each other feel welcome and have fun out there.
Master Dom

Way Of The Foot God Intro
Posted by AlphaFootGodJay

What's up faggots. Your friendly neighborhood Foot God reporting in!  In the 9 years that I have been an online foot model I have come across situations that range from crazy to just plain out disturbing. Now here I sit as a self proclaimed Foot God and CashMaster. What I'd like to take you on is s journey of how a shy nerdy teen with a foot fetish went from posting a picture on a message board to where he is today. This is just an intro post to this wonderful, painful, surprising and somber blog story that I hope you all enjoy. Will be updating regularly so be on the lookout. 
Sunday Worship
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

So many slaves will ask for free tasks… or free attention. To those sweet pets here who genuinely do put their Master’s pleasure first: continue to read. To lurkers stroking to My words without the slightest intention of enacting them… cease to exist you vile waste.

To My sweet pets who serve beautifully, through authentic s********n… Sundays are worship. 

This means, that today of all days, is a blissful opportunity to set your standards for the week. Send to Me. Pray to Me. Commit to new heights for Me. Take care to employ all of the sweet subtleties I enjoy. Go out of your way to embrace struggle for My enjoyment, to embrace s********n for My entertainment, to embrace sacrifice for My pleasure. Those tasks you so desire: send for them. Humiliation? Send for it. JOI/CEI/CBT etc.... send for whatever scratch you are so desperate to itch, My pet.

Sundays set a benchmark for the next six days. Even more so if it is a payday week. Remember, no Alpha here dominates for need of income. Money is simply the scoreboard. The truest of tokens that represents a surrender of financial power from one to Another. So, surrender to Me, My dear toys, in worship. Fall to your knees this immaculate Sunday, to tribute at the altar of My greatness. Show Me you crave to give your feeble power over to Me, in financial tribute. It is the beautiful of ways to do so.

To all the powerful Masters here, have a blessed day rinsing, ruining, training, and draining anew your pets. I admire you & applaud the gift you give these pathetic wayward souls in finding a purpose.

To those pets yet unowned… I am here and waiting. Approach.

Then thank Me again for the privilege.

How to Grow in s********n: Saving, Earning, Selling, Sending.
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

by DorianTheAlpha

Now, I will preface in saying this is My opinion, though one I know it is shared across hundreds of Superiors. That said, you may well find a Master that views s********n differently than I describe here. If so, I weep for you because you'll never know the bliss of true sacrifice to serve your Master's pleasure.

Let's begin by listing off the excuses so many pretenders enjoy bleating to Masters Who've heard these tired lines a thousand times before:

- i am student/jobless right now, but i can serve You in other ways.

- i want to send to You, but i need to trust You first.

- i might be open to sending, but financial domination is not My primrary kink.

- i was mistreated by a previous Alpha, i need to recover before i can worship You.

- i have no money to send, but i can be Your promo/task slave.

If this is you: you are the worst kind of wasted space in findom and kink as a whole. These aren't reasons; they're excuses. Do better. Redefine yourself to serve His pleasure first and solely.

There are countless others, equally transparent, equally boring, equally self-branding "block me: i'm a waste of time".

This article is meant as instruction, and as motivation. Like all habits, starting with a few easy steps will lead to  undertaking the harder ones. In time, you can be the best slave you can be by incorporating all of these and more. Internalize the spirit of these habits to truly devote the entirety of yourself to your Master.

1. Work harder, smarter, longer. 

Secure a raise or bonus? That portion goes to your Master. Great night of tips? Those are Alpha's. Win a payout, lottery, jackpot, raffle, contest? Guess whose: your Owner, silly pet. Get a second job, or third, gigging: Uber, tutoring. Suck cock if you can get paid for guzzling cum in your Master's name. Be creative, and proactive.

2. Cut back on luxuries and indulgences. 

Don't buy meals out. Meal prep, and make that coffee/tea at home. Skip the steak, and eat chicken or beans. Fast intermittently if your health allows it. d***k less, or not at all. Only Alpha Men consume fine spirits; you get hooch if anything. Forget about tobacco, weed, parties: they are revelries for Superior Males. Designer labels, latest tech, new toys of any kind... these have no place in a cash slave's world.

3. Simplify your lifestyle.

Forget the Uber: walk, bike or commute. Don't bother with a flagship smartphone when a budget model will do. Take cold showers and reduce your heating/AC to send your Master those savings. Workout? Cancel that gym membership, and go train outside. Sell your appliances and wash your dishes and/or clothes by hand. Which leads Me too...

4. Sell your valuables.

Collectibles: magazines, comic books, video games, watches, vintage items, etc. Jewelry, needless gadgets, vehicles, sex toys (looking at you sissies). Anything you are guilty of from #2, sell — that's a simple starting point. What feels more right: you owning $1,000+ of superficial goods you could do without, or placing that cash into your Master's powerful hands, where it belongs?

I have likely missed ideas here. What matters is starting small, being accountable to improve through sacrifice, communicating your commitments to your Master, and most or all: sending as soon as you have cash to do so. The longer your Master's money stays with you, the lazier you are being, slave.

Read, act, send. Or pretend that you are already doing "enough" for your Alpha, as if that is even possible.

We always deserve more...

The Luxury of Being Dominated
Posted by DorianTheAlpha

by DorianTheAlpha

There is a strange, skewed perspective of domination, in particular financial domination. Many slaves will approach to lead with their kinks. They will tell you all about what turns them on, what their hard limits are, their past injustices and why that makes them unable to trust the ever-perilous threat of Masters that mistreat them.

A common refrain is: "you want Me to send Sir? But W/we've barely spoken."

Now, I will always speak to curious souls. Some slaves are new. Some are unaware of how to approach. Some are just timid. But if after a short exchange, there's little sign they intend to tip, tribute, or otherwise strive to please Me, then I demand it. And generally, this is when the pretenders vanish. Every. Single. Time.

This post is for you, pretenders. The liars, the beggars, the toxic vile vermin that infect the purity of findom.

You do not get to own a Ferrari to pay for it when you like. You don't get to wear a Patek and send them a check when it suits you. You don't move into a seaside mansion and put off your mortgage indefinitely.

Serving an Alpha isn't just a luxury: it is the ultimate luxury. Financial s********n is a gift an Alpha gives you.

Sending Me the money that is rightfully Mine *is* your reward, slave.

So, let U/us here and now stamp out the fallacy that you deserve attention from a Superior Male because of any of the following:

- Uncertainty or curiosity

- Insecurity or past wounds

- Prior mistreatment

- Lack of finances / having being ruined

- Lack of interest in findom

- Servitude to another Master

- The list goes on...

As a slave, you are responsible to educate yourself about findom.

As a slave, you are expected to be able to serve financially, unless your Master explicitly states otherwise.

As a slave, you are required to please your Master first and foremost, however He chooses.

As a slave, you are accountable to understand that your Master allows you the blissful gift of His existence.

As a slave, you are indebted to your Alpha merely by the virtue of serving him. Tribute merits nothing.

As a slave, you are property. It is your choice to be a slave; and it is your purpose as such to be His property.

Understand the choices you make, and adhere to your commitments. Both you and He are allowed your limits. Findom is a choice. When you make it, do not flake and do not flounder. Follow through.

Let us end on a constructive note: follow these guidelines to please your Alpha, and live truthfully in s********n.

1. Do not say that you will send. Send, and then say that you have. Act first, then speak.

2. Do not approach an Alpha leading with your interests. He is above you. Pleasing him is all that matters. Do so, and maybe he will reward you by considering your own interests. That is the true nature of s********n to Another.

3. Do not victimize yourself. There will always be those who hold exception with this post. Slaves here have done so to My words in the past. This is not ironclad; it is a guide. Follow it, or ignore it and resign yourself to the sad lie that you are actually a "slave" — you are the opposite. 

I recognize part of this post are strongly worded. Findom is a place of strong words, and emotions. If you are offended by this, you are likely guilty of what it puts forth. If You are nodding along, you likely know what I'm talking about, and have suffered through your fair share of vermin too.

Be better, for Him. 

For Me.

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