User blogs

Posted by masterf

Morning Fellow Sirs and fags, how are you?

Hope you're all feeling great. was thinking about posting some pics I already have posted on X, to show you what I like: formal clothes, a touch of leather (that will entirely be fag funded) and my feet.

Let me know what you think about this.

Always feel free to chat me.

Have fun.


My Findom Fantasy
Posted by Alex

A slave on this site asked me what seems like a straightforward question for someone who is here: “Sir, what is your findom fantasy?” I wanted to give a more thoughtful answer than simply to say, “For you to send me all your money and give me control over all your future earnings.” So I have been thinking about it, and realize that, although that would be nice for obvious reasons, even such a level of financial control would not alone be terribly fulfilling to my needs as a Master. 

My actual findom fantasy is inextricably linked with those needs, to be obeyed, to be served, to be worshiped—and with the process by which someone is transformed in a very personal way to satisfy those needs. The needs of an artist are not satisfied by walking through a museum filled with masterpieces. The needs of a sculptor are not satisfied by gazing upon completed statues. Their needs are fulfilled only through the intimate act of creating something unique and personal. 

In my findom fantasy, I want to be Michelangelo, confronted with an unassuming block of marble. I want to chip away every piece of stone that doesn’t belong, revealing a creation of my own design. Each tribute, each gift, each act of financial surrender should be part of the process of instilling an ever-increasing devotion that compels the slave to obey my financial commands—to obey all my commands. I want the slave to yearn for my chisel, to become a participant in making himself helpless in his obedience, to render him unable to deny that his finances are meaningless in his own hands and only purposeful when given unto mine. 

Is this a fantasy? Of course, and on multiple levels. But it is, for me, a more complete and truthful answer than the facile one that first sprang to mind.

Posted by Alex

All human beings make mistakes, and those of us in power-exchange relationships are no exception. Most of those mistakes are small ones, but sometimes Master or slave makes a mistake so grievous that it threatens the continuation of the relationship. Forgiveness of those mistakes is essential to the process by which the participants successfully move past the incident and continue on their journey together. 

With respect to this issue, I think slaves are in the more enviable position. 

When a slave commits a grievous error, his Master can define the precise conditions of atonement, whether that be a severe beating, a suffering payment, or something else. Ideally, the understanding between the two of them is that such atonement by the slave earns the Master’s complete and irrevocable forgiveness. Payment of this penance allows both to put the experience behind them, preferably never again discussed or even considered as they move forwards. Indeed, I think this is one of the great benefits of power-exchange relationships. 

But the relationship’s asymmetry makes the situation quite different when the Master is the one who has committed the grievous error. Indeed, the Master finds himself in a very lonely and isolated place when he knows himself to be guilty of having done so. The relationship dynamic does not realistically allow the slave to demand the Master’s penance, and only the Master can thereby define the conditions of his own atonement, something he largely has to bear alone. 

So I ask this of slaves: If your Master finds it necessary to ask for your forgiveness, please appreciate the gravity is what he is doing in an effort to save what you have enjoyed together, and seek to be generous in granting what he asks.

Thoughts About Limits
Posted by Alex

I have spent more than a fair bit of time over the years thinking about limits in BDSM and M/s.  It is common enough in the kink (BDSM) community to dismiss subs who claim to have no limits as clueless (“cut off your arm” examples come to mind).  But the M/s community has tended to have a more nuanced view of the issue because it is important for many slaves’ self-identity for them literally to have no limits with their Master.  Often, such a lack of limits is, for them, the very definition of their slavery.


I have always understood the sentiment that such slaves are expressing (and I know several) as describing a relationship that is quite special.  That is, the statement that they have no limits with their Master is not the knee-jerk sentiment of a neophyte overwhelmed by the excitement.  Rather, it is an expression of the depth of interaction and trust that has developed between Master and slave over a long time, many years.  The two come to know each other so well that the slave understands the value system that governs the Master’s behavior.  In a very real way, the slave has not surrendered to the Master as a person, but has instead surrendered to his value system, which the slave knows intimately from years of interaction.  For instance, my 20-year slave started describing herself as “no limits” about 10 years ago; my 15-year slave is still not ready and may never be.


It is not merely that the slave “trusts” the Master not to do X, Y, or Z, not to cross some limit line that has been negotiated and expressed or has perhaps remained unsaid.  Rather, the slave knows that the Master’s value system binds him irrevocably, perhaps even more strongly than the slave is bound to obedience and service to the Master.  The slave doesn’t worry that the Master might be inclined to do something harmful but refrains because it would infringe some limit.  Instead, those acts simply do not exist as possibilities within the universe of the specific M/s relationship.  And if there are some gray areas, as there inevitably are, the slave has confidence that the Master’s value system will demand corrections that are reasonable and appropriate.


I am relatively new to findom, and my experience has mostly been limited to het M/s relationships.  But my initial impressions are that much of what I have learned about limits over the years applies.  I know Masters and slaves in relationships, for instance, that include complete control over finances, but it has never been the initial focus that drew them together.  It instead developed organically, incidental to a shared desire to reach a TPE interaction that is mutually satisfying.


Maybe this is more of a diary entry documenting my thoughts than it is a blog that should be shared.  But I do want to learn more about findom, become better at it, and integrate it into the skillset I already have.  So I’ll throw it out there anyways.

New Findom
Posted by Jammi568

I am still a relatively new Findom, and one of the reasons I joined this site is to (hopefully) learn some tricks of the trade from the best in the business - that's the idea at least.

So whilst I obviously hope to earn a bit of money from this site directly, I also hope I can speak to other doms and make connections.

Here's hoping it all goes okay, and that I meet some great new people, doms and subs, along the way

One outdoor fantasy
Posted by CBUK

Recently I have been thinking of having sone risqué outdoor fun, would be even better with a sub who has an authorative job.

I want to bully the đź’© out of the sub and totally humiliate the fag to the point of tears or that he just ends up on the ground crying his eyes out.

One of the kinky fun things I want to do is, be out for the night, where an authorative worker asks what am doing, I get all cocky with him and say "who the fuck wants to know?" Well piggy fucking answer me?? The authorative worker answers. I then begin to bully him he tries to get cocky with me, but I punch him in the stomach, whilst he is holding his stomach I push him down, grab his hands and tie his hands behind his back, I then pull him up and say, "You want your freedom piggy?" First your gonna tell me what style underpants your wearing ya fucking poof. Hey authorative worker, you know what would be good? "What would be good Sir? " he asks, I say, let's go to the cashpoint and you can watch me withdraw cash from your account, then you can show me what a cock sucking faggot pig you are, then I may let you go

Alpha Masters posses personality traits and characteristics that ...
Posted by Maskedmasterbe

Being on top of the pantheon for the moment I identified key traits which are commonly found among the top-tier  Alpha Masters.

What do you believe is are most important ? And comment with all key traits and characteristics you believe should be on the this list.


1.      Confidence: Exuding unwavering Self-assurance in His dominance and worth.

2.      Empathy:  Understanding the subs' needs and desires, creating a fulfilling and emotionally connection.

3.      Discipline: An Alpha Master should exhibit discipline in his personal life, but also maintains boundaries and ensures a healthy dynamic with His subs.

4.      Creativity: Creativity involves thinking outside the box to create unique and engaging experiences.

5.      Charisma: Charisma is the magnetic presence that commands sub’s attention and respect.

6.      Intelligence: Intelligence involves emotional intelligence, and the ability to understand and tailor experiences to the complexities of subs.

7.      Resilience: Maintaining motivation and dominance despite challenges like setbacks or criticism.

What is being a "good boy" really means ?
Posted by Maskedmasterbe



Those two words follow the tribute you made to your Master. But what does it mean to be a "good boy" for your Master?


1. Understanding and Accepting Your True Place and Purpose

A good boy not only claims he is a sub but also accepts and embraces that role fully. A good boy understands and accepts who he is and his place in life, embracing it entirely. obedience is not just for moments of specific urges but is a constant state of being.

2. Communicate Respectfully

Effective communication is key. Always communicate respectfully, whether you have doubts or wish to serve better. In a sound D/s relationship, there must always be room for honest and open communication. A true Master creates a safe space filled with trust. While Master might not agree with everything you communicate, such interactions enable the relationship to grow. Learning to communicate ensures you remain a "good boy."

3. Understand the Meaning of a Tribute

 What is a Tribute Not?

 * It is not an indulgence. Sending a tribute does not make bad behavior go away.

 * It is not a payment for a session, service, or even Master's time.


What is a Tribute ?

* You tribute to please your Master.

* You tribute because you are well-aware that your cash belongs in your Master’s wallet.

* You tribute for Master's needs, which are more important than your own.

* You tribute to add meaning to your life.

Master should always benefit from a Tribute. Constantly showing appreciation and admiration makes you a "good boy". Earn your place in Master’s life. A tribute is a form of showing respect and admiration to your Superior Master.

4. Balance Your Life and Understand and Respect that Master Has a busy Life

Master has a busy life besides any D/s Relationship. A good boy is not demanding. A good boy understands that Master is his number one priority and fully recognizes how fortunate he is to be part of Master’s life. Your Master has an interesting, busy life and has more more than one sub serving Him. so He cannot always be available whenever you would like to talk.

5. Be Willing to Learn and Grow Alongside Your Master

You can consistently learn to be a better good boy for Master. Over time, Master knows what is best and right for you. So learn and grow with Master.

You see being a good boy is not that hard if you put in the effort. I am sure you want to be that good boy for Me. So let Me help you to achieve your full potential.

Complwtely Dominating another faggot
Posted by TopFaggotDrainer

Just took another sissy faggot’s girl and house. It’s good to be me. Accept your true nature and come worship my feet pigs. Pay tribute while I enjoy life on your back slaves

The sissy is now my personal toy, along with his wife, who just rimmed my ass whilw hubby is at work grinding hard for me. You are MINE. Come serve your master. Wait to see what I have in mind for my sissy’s dinner. Hint: he’ll eat at my feet

I came in earlier from work and had in transfer me all of savings. As a result, his wife was worried as her credit card would not work on that day. I told them not to worry as I would take care of them all. Obviously, I do not care one bit about the husband who is now my cash cow and worships my cock as soon as I snap my fingers. He is less than a furniture to me. A tool to use and please myself with. A foot bitch, ass cleaner, faggot cunt to torment when I am bored.

Obviously, I had a lot of fun taking control of this family. The wife was the best part. Initially concerned but once I met her and she saw my superior physique, bigger cock and how her husband became my bitch, she actually got turned on. I fucked her many times in front of her hubby and she understood who was boss. The key however, was to fully break the sissy hubby and this is why I rammed his ass in front of thw wife, foot on his face, spitting all over him. Once his wife saw how much he loved every inch of my cock, she knew she was mine. She now cooks, for me, worships my feet day and night, rim my ass, and surender her pussy to my superior cock. All while her husband slaves away on all fours, cleaning the house and doing evwry degrading chores my deviant mind can come up with.

Sinilarly for their 25 y/o boy who claimed to be straight. It didnt take long for him to understand who was in charge. He now calls me daddy and licks my cock in front of his mom every morning like a pathetic little fuckdog

Why I told LockedSlaveBoi to exit my stable...
Posted by Broady

Several weeks ago I recieved a called from a women from Grand Junction Colorado claiming she worked for the National Weather Service...She asked..Who am I speaking to?...I answered Broady....She stated she must h ave had the wrong number..Days later this same women called me..She stated she was Jason's m****r..She was concerned that he was on owned fags and knew I was his Master...She started getting upset..I told her to talk to her s*n...After this took place..He went no show..for weeks ..not answering my emails...Last week..he was coming on and talking to other Masters without my knowledge..When I called him on it..He begged for forgiveness...I gave him CONSEQUENCES for his slutty behavior and he continued his nasty ways. When I told him to leave my stable ..he freaked..I informed that his m****r had called me and that she knew of his actions..Told him to leave the site..Watch out for this motherfucker..he's a complete waste of time....Broat
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